2016 Speakers
From friendly debates with other legal practitioners to sharing your tried-and-true (and creative) techniques for pushing productions out the door, presentation and discussion topics at Relativity Fest are as diverse as the community itself. Speakers from all corners of the world joined us in Chicago to bring unique perspective to the conference—from litigation support professionals and attorneys to developers and IT professionals.
Additional Speakers
Abigail Cooke
kCura, International Team

Aileen Tien
kCura, Solutions Specialist

Alex Case
U.S. CFTC, Assistant General Counsel & E-Discovery Counsel

Amy Bowser-Rollins
Litigation Support Guru, Instructor

Amy Catton
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, Senior Project Manager

Andrea Beckman
kCura, Group Product Manager

Andrea Shirey
Bayer, IT Consultant

Angela Ocasek
kCura, Industry & Customer Advocacy Specialist

Ann Marie Lane
kCura, Manager, Product Marketing

Bill Bailey
kCura, Solutions Specialist

Bill Pascoli
kCura, Director of Customer Success

Brian Hengesbaugh
Baker & McKenzie LLP, Partner

Brian Kunes
kCura, Manager, Client Services

Brian Vile
kCura, Product Management Director

Brittany Cunningham
kCura, Relativity Support Architect I

Carlo Ramos
kCura, Solutions Specialist

Cat Casey
PwC, Director, Computer Forensics & eDiscovery

Chandra Alimeti
kCura, Advanced Software Engineer

Charles McCloughan
kCura, Application Specialist II

Chris Dale
eDisclosure Information Project, Founder

Cinthia Granados Motley
Sedgwick Law, Partner

Claire Slack
McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Discovery Counsel

Clara Skorstad
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, Senior Project Manager

Clare Foley
Opus 2 Magnum, VP of Litigation Solutions

Collin Miller
Altep Inc., Director of Riskcovery Services

Constantine Pappas
kCura, Advice Team Lead

Craig Macaulay
KordaMentha, Executive Director

Dan Chimner
kCura, Relativity Support Architect I

Dan Miller
kCura, Group Product Manager

Dan Nelson
kCura, Advanced Software Engineer

Dan Wells
kCura, Architect

Daniel Rudder
Control Risks, Principal

Daniel Wyatt
Reynolds Porter Chamberlain, Associate

Danny Balogh
kCura, Channel Manager

Danny Frank
kCura, Solutions Specialist

Darin Sands
Lane Powell PC, Shareholder and Chair, Data Security and eDiscovery Practice Groups

David Biedrzycki
kCura, Advanced Software Engineer

David Elliott
AirBNB, Brand Photographer

David Giambalvo
kCura, Team Lead, Programs

Debora Motyka Jones
Lighthouse eDiscovery, Director of Product Strategy & Counsel

Don Billings
Sidley Austin LLP, Manager of Litigation & Practice Support

Dorie Blesoff
kCura, Chief People Officer

Doug Kaminski
kCura, Director, Major Accounts

Douglas Bloom
PwC, Director, Cybersecurity and Forensics

Drew Deitch
kCura, Strategic Partnerships Manager

Ed McAndrew
Ballard Spahr LLP, Partner

Eileen McCarthy
kCura, Instructional Design Specialist

Elise Tropiano
kCura, Technical Product Manager

Erica Wenninger
McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Discovery Counsel

Erik Seidlitz
McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Discovery Counsel

George Orr
kCura, VP of Customer Success and Support

Greg Houston
kCura, Senior Solutions Specialist

Hunter McMahon
iDiscovery Solutions, Director of Data Analytics

Ian Lopez
ALM Global Newsroom, Senior Editor/Technology

Jacob Cross
kCura, Advice Specialist

Jacque Flaherty
kCura, Manager, Industry & Customer Advocacy

Janice Hollman
kCura, Senior Specialist, Community

Jared Lander
kCura, Infrastructure Engineer II

JC Steinbrunner
kCura, Creative Director

Jeff Gilles
kCura, Manager, Solutions

Jeffrey Stanford
kCura, Lead Performance Engineer

Joanne Wilson
kCura, Manager, Cloud Operations

Joe Riley
kCura, Solutions Specialist

John Carpenter
Forbes, Contributor

John Harris
kCura, Director, Product Management

Jon Lavinder
DTI, Director of Technology-Assisted Review and Legal Solutions

Joni Musa
kCura, Infrastructure Engineer II

Judith Torres
Altep, Inc., VP of Information Services

Judy Selby
BDO, Managing Director, Technology Advisory

Julie Huner
kCura, Senior Product Manager

Justin Smits
kCura, Software Engineering Senior Manager

Karyn Harty
McCann Fitzgerald, Partner

Kate Bauer
Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Litigation Support Applications Manager

Katie Simon
kCura, Certification Specialist

Kelly Wehbi
kCura, Senior Product Manager

Kyle Disterheft
kCura, Product Manager II

Laura Webster
kCura, Solutions Architect

Lauren Brill
Community College of Philadelphia, Instructor

Laurence Minsky
Columbia College Chicago, Associate Professor

Loren Harper
Simmons & Simmons, Head of e-Discovery Solutions

Louis Martin
iDS, Senior Managing Consultant

Lucy Melendrez-Diaz
kCura, Team Lead, Enterprise Renewal

Lynn Charbonneau
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, Paralegal

Mariya Barnes
Relativity, Program Manager, PR

Marlon Smith
Relativity, Software Engineer

Martha Louks
McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Senior Discovery Consultant

Mason Pan
Control Risks, Director

Mateen Khadir
kCura, VP of Strategy

Matt Mohnsen
kCura, Infrastructure Engineer II

Meg Svec
kCura, Technical Product Manager

Melissa Saniter
kCura, Solutions Specialist

Michael Hagen
Procopio Cory Hargreaves & Savitch, Manager, Litigation Technology

Michael Masanek
kCura, Advanced Software Engineer

Michael Schulte
kCura, Senior Channel Manager

Mig Reyes
AIGA Chicago, President

Mike Davis
kCura, Application Specialist I

Mike Decker
kCura, Appliance Champion

Mike Kolek
kCura, Tech Lead, Cloud Operations

Mike Markzon
kCura, Lead Software Engineer

Nick Robertson
kCura, COO

Nik Balepur
kCura, Advice Specialist

Patrick Burke
Seyfarth Shaw LLP, Senior Counsel

Paul Gordon
kCura, Relativity Solutions Team Lead

Peggy Gianuca
The Walt Disney Company, eDiscovery Technical Solutions Manager

Perry Marchant
kCura, Vice President of Engineering

Rachel Koy
kCura, Application Specialist II

Rebecca Fennessy
Unified/Inventus, Director of Technical Solutions

Rebecca Schwab Peoples
kCura, Customer Support Team Lead

Rene Laurens
kCura, Senior Solutions Specialist

Richard Lutkus
Seyfarth Shaw LLP, Partner

Rishi Khullar
kCura, Product Manager I

Robert Simpson
kCura, Principal Software Engineer

Ryan Hynes
kCura, Assistant Counsel

Ryan Merholz
kCura, Relativity Solutions Senior Manager

Sam Myers
kCura, Customer Success Manager

Samantha Bock
kCura, Senior Specialist, Content

Sameer Doshi
kCura, Senior Manager, Software Engineer

Sandy Gensmer
Kroll Ontrack, Relativity Business Architect

Scott Ellis
kCura, Senior DBA, CloudOps

Scott Monaghan
Milyli Inc., Technical Project Manager

Sean McHale
kCura, Application Specialist III

Shawn Gaines
Relativity, Vice President, Marketing

Stan Pierson
kCura, Solutions Specialist

Steve Rodriguez
kCura, Solutions Specialist

Steve Tanner
kCura, Senior Specialist, Social Media & Corporate Communications

Tom Groom
D4, Managing Director, Greater China

Vicky Kournetas
McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Discovery Counsel

Warren Kruse
Altep, Inc., VP Data Forensics

Wendy King
Kroll Ontrack, Relativity Product Director

William Fenton
kCura, Team Lead, Customer Support

William Lederer
kCura, Chief Security Officer

Zach Abramowitz
ReplyAll, Above the Law, Co-Founder, Columnist