2017 Sessions
Relativity Fest offers breakout sessions, panel discussions, hands-on labs, and workshops for everyone, including attorneys, litigation support professionals, information governance and security specialists, developers, sales and marketing professionals, and infrastructure experts. Take a look at the 2017 tracks below and check out the catalog to browse the sessions.
What was your goal for attending the conference?
Become more proficient in Relativity, learn what's new, and dive into the software.
View These SessionsThe product track offered sessions, hands-on labs, and workshops led by Relativity pros and designed to help you become your team's Relativity aficionado.
Legal and Industry Education
Find out how the legal profession is changing and how it might impact your business.
View These SessionsThe legal and industry education track offered panel discussions and sessions on the latest topics shaping your business.
Professional Development
Learn how to grow and develop your career, business, and team.
View These SessionsThe professional development track offered sessions to help you become a more effective leader, better market and sell your Relativity services, and advance your career.
While each session was aligned with a track, they were also tagged with areas of focus—such as data privacy, international issues, workflows, infrastructure, leadership, and more—that offered more information about the session's topic.
Check out the session catalog to see what was offered.
2017 Sponsors
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors