Come Fest with the Best

There’s simply no community like the Relativity community. Among many things, Relativity Fest is an opportunity to meet amazing people, acknowledge wins, and network with the industry’s brightest minds.

A Grounds for Connection

Enjoy plenty of opportunities to engage with this community — it’s a special one.

Spend time with good people

Relationships are the heart and soul of Relativity Fest. From networking spots to social experiences, we provide spaces tailored to whatever you’re in the mood for.

Relativity Fest Spend time with good people

Get to know the latest tech

Catch demos and get hands-on with our new product offerings in RelativityOne. Chat with our Learning & Certification team to take your skills to the next level.

Relativity Fest Get to know the lateset tech

Go behind the scenes

Catch live interviews featuring Relativity partners and sponsors, live podcast episodes, and everything that’s making waves at Fest.

Relativity Fest Go behind the scenes

Connect and Refuel

The Community Pavilion at Relativity Fest Chicago is the perfect place to engage with our people and technology. Grab a coffee, chat with friends, and get hands-on with our product.

Relativity Fest - Connect and refuel

A Cause for Celebration

At Relativity Fest, your wins are recognized, and your accomplishments are honored.

Break the ice at our opening reception

We like to kick things off with good food and quality conversation. Connect with your peers and get ready for a fun event.

Relativity Fest | Opening reception

Paint the town orange with networking events

We’d be remiss not to have a little fun while we’re all together. Relativity Fest coordinates various social activities and gatherings to celebrate you.

Relativity Fest | Networking event

Give a round of applause at the Innovation Awards

This annual Relativity Fest Chicago tradition is about acknowledging our community’s great people and solutions.

Relativity Fest | 2024 Innovation Awards winners group photo